
Nursing Week Special!!!

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Until May 26th, 2024 

Thanksgiving Opportunity


Thanksgiving Opportunity

A Real Eye Opener

Thanksgiving weekend has come and gone and as always we tend to have so much to be thankful for. 
However, sometimes these family gatherings can become more than what we expected.  For families with aging loved ones, it can become a real eye opener.
During these family holidays, one may notice changes with a particular family member.  An example, mom is finding it difficult to follow her recipes or grandma is saying the most inappropriate things.  Or perhaps someone is repeating the same question more than 3 times in a span of an hour. 

Early Detection is Ideal

Alzheimer’s disease is unfortunately being heard as a diagnosis for more and more families these days.  Early detection is ideal! There are some common signs that families need to be aware of so that they can observe and be proactive…which commonly happens around traditional holiday time with family. 
Here are a few signs to out watch for: 
  1. Short term memory is not as good as it once was;
  2. Changes in someone’s mood, behaviour and personality;
  3. Difficulty doing day to day normal tasks;
  4. Continually misplacing things;
  5. They get lost in common areas;
  6. Difficulties with language appear;
  7. Poor judgement;
  8. A decrease in their thinking abilities;
  9. Sometimes there is a lack of drive to do things they always enjoyed doing.


If you or another member of your family are noticing some of the above, it does not hurt to schedule an appointment with their family doctor just to be sure all is okay.  If the doctor detects something is going on, it may be something that can be reversed. When a disease that is not reversible is detected such as Alzheimer’s disease, completing paper work such as Living Wills while the brain is still in good working order is ideal for your loved one’s future and for other family members. Doctors can prescribe medications that may help delay the progression and which may prove to be beneficial to maintaining quality of life for your loved one.
Thanksgiving is a time to be thankful for the wonderful blessings in our lives but can also prove to be a perfect opportunity to be proactive and express our love and concern for those we cherish.


Warm regards,
Karen 🙂


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