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The Beauty Of Caregiving


The Beauty of Caregiving

We are born needing care and we grow old to need the very same. It is the cycle of life that we all must face. It’s not uncommon for a son or daughter taking care of a parent with Alzheimer’s dementia to feel consumed with caregiving and overwhelmed.

I’ve come across an AARP article that addresses this poignantly. Writer Amy Goyer writes that as she started caring for her parents, she felt her sense of self slip away. She didn’t have time for the activities she loved to do – “I realized I had less time for work, yoga, walking, reading, singing, concerts, theatre, gardening, going to the movie and traveling.”

Although she goes on to explain that she came to the realization that these activities don’t define her, rather she defines her character with the following terms: “But who I am is more about creativity, kindness, compassion, humour, joy, adventure, love and being of service. And aren’t these the things that are truly manifested the most in caring for others?”

We’d agree that these beautiful, warm, and loving characteristics go further to make up a wonderful and conscientious caregiver. Although, she understands that a burned-out caregiver can’t give this kind of emotional support. It is important to make sure you take some time to care for your own physical and emotional needs.

The important lesson she learns though is one I hope we all consider; caring for a loved one is a gift. Yes, going back to looking at the cycle of life, aren’t we lucky to have had parents who loved and cared for us when we needed it most, and aren’t we lucky to be able to connect with our parents in the time they need us most.

If you’re having a hard time understanding and giving the care that is needed for your parent, please call for help: 778-789-1496.

Karen 🙂

Karen Tyrell, CDPC, CPCA
Personalized Dementia Solutions


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