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Supporting Someone with Dementia Exhibiting Depressive Behaviours


Dementia Exhibiting Depressive Behaviours

Helen has mild to moderate dementia. Her daughter, Kara, is her primary caregiver. Kara contacted us because she is experiencing challenges caring for her Mom. Lately, she noticed that her Mom seems to be easily irritated and grumpy at almost everything.


What Could be Causing Helen’s Change in Behaviour?

Before Helen’s dementia, she was very active and highly sociable. She enjoyed spending time with her friends with who she played cards on a regular basis. With Helen’s declining cognitive abilities, it was becoming difficult for her to participate in card games she used to enjoy which could be adding to her frustration.

Knowing her Mom’s habits and daily activities, Kara shared with us that she thinks that Helen may be feeling depressed. With the previous year’s Covid restrictions and with ongoing safety precautions, Helen had not been able to go out to her usual spots and socialize with her friends. Kara believes that her moods and “grumpy” behaviour may be signs of “boredom” and/or “depression,” which in turn, could be the effect of feeling isolated.


Our Solution to Help Helen’s Moods and Depressive Symptoms

Recognizing the strong possibility that her behaviour may very well be related to boredom, depression, and isolation, we suggested that Kara takes her Mom to the Adult Cognitive Wellness Centre (ACWC). ACWC is similar to a day program where Helen can socialize with others while at the same time, participating in exercises that are directed towards cognitive stimulation.

Initially, Kara was concerned that Helen would not be interested to attend, but to everyone’s delight, she loved it!

Now, Helen looks forward to going to ACWC. She considers this her “club.” She has been re-motivated to get dressed up and look good for her trip to the “club” and see her new friends!

Kara reports that her mom is now in such a good mood! This newly found social activity provided a supportive environment for Helen and also allowed her the social interactions she was used to. 

We are glad that it worked out, as it made an enormous positive difference in both Mom’s and Daughter’s well-being.


Why This is a Success Story

As Dementia Care Advisors, we work closely with family caregivers, because they are the “experts” in their loved ones. They know their loved one’s habits and routines, the things they like and dislike, their hobbies, and the other major and minor details that help us better understand what could be causing a person’s behaviour.

This is a success story because Kara knew her Mom so well and she knew to provide us with this important information. We were able to offer a solution that they were open to trying out. She not only provided us with the background information we needed, but most importantly, she was open to trying out the solution we were offering, even if she was skeptical in the beginning.


If you are struggling with a challenge in your caregiving role and could benefit from an outsider to offer you helpful solutions for your situation, please reach out and our Dementia Care Advisors will be happy to support you.

To learn more about the Adult Cognitive Wellness Centre click here.


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