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Photographs To Help People With Alzheimer’s Disease Reminisce


The Joys Of Photos

What did you do for your 13th birthday? What were the women wearing at your parents’ wedding? Did you ever bake up a storm with grandma? Our lives are full of moments that we love to capture on camera!

We celebrate our lives and remember special moments by taking photos. Then, we keep them in albums. The latest trend is to post them online and share them with friends and family. These images help us remember our past and reminisce.

What Do Photos And Alzheimer’s Disease Have To Do With One Another?

There is such a thing as reminiscence therapy that helps people with Alzheimer’s do exactly that. It helps them reminisce – remember and connect with their past.

How does reminiscence therapy work? We can use old photographs to help people with Alzheimer’s disease. Make them remember good times, laughter, and joy that they felt at different times in their lives. This is a way to connect a person to his or her past.

Drawing on these memories is a way for families to connect with their loved ones who have Alzheimer’s disease. People with Alzheimer’s disease forget their short-term memories easily and quickly, but they remember stored memories from their childhood and young adulthood – the memories that have been there for years. Like an onion, the deeper layers are so much more ingrained and can be called forth so much easier.

Get the family photos out and see how much your loved one remembers from his or her life.


Karen 🙂

Karen Tyrell, CDP, CPCA
Personalized Dementia Solutions


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