
Nursing Week Special!!!

$300 OFF CDCP™ Dementia Designation Program

Until May 26th, 2024 

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Date(s) - August 15, 2023
4:30 pm - 5:30 pm


Compassion Fatigue Workshop

In this mini-course, we will discuss and unpack what compassion fatigue is all about, recognize its early warning signs and symptoms and, 4 strategies you can use to prevent and manage it.

Our goal is to keep you, our front-line healthcare workers/caregivers healthy. Your family needs you. Your current and future clients need you, too!

Come listen to Karen Tyrell who is a Canadian Dementia Care Consultant and Educator for over 27 years share a live Zoom workshop on “The Hidden Signs of Compassion Fatigue and 4 Steps to Prevent It”.

All participants who stay until the end will receive a BONUS personalized certificate of attendance. 🙂

We look forward to meeting you and having you join us!

Register HERE: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/the-hidden-signs-of-compassion-fatigue-4-steps-to-prevent-it-tickets-679145561657

Please contact us for any questions: Info@DementiaSolutions.ca


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