What Affects Someone With Alzheimer’s Disease?
Have you heard of mommies letting babies listen to Beethoven and Bach, even when the baby is in their womb? Not a bad idea, because as humans, our environment affects our growth and development. In the case of someone with Alzheimer’s disease. They’re environment, what they eat, see, and listen to affects their mood, and ability to understand and communicate.
Bad mood, agitation, anger, confusion, and frustration are the most detrimental aspects of Alzheimer’s disease. Many people with the disease suffer from these instabilities, and music changes this for the better.
The Power Of Music
Music has the power to affect the mind positively, and many people with Alzheimer’s disease will react wonderfully to music they like to listen to. It lifts their spirits, makes them tap their feet, forget their worries and stresses, and just relax. You’ll see a change immediately. Consistently using music in the lives of your loved one with Alzheimer’s disease means they are getting a dose of good therapy. It changes their demeanour bit by bit for the better, every day.
Go ahead and ask your loved one what music they used to love to listen to in their youth, and then play it for them. You’ll see a change immediately!
Dementia Solutions