Brain Awareness Week Sale!!!

$30 OFF! Cracking the Dementia Code ~ Fundamentals Course


We thank everyone whose comments are placed here, as well as to the many families and caregivers who have previously sought out our support. We are grateful to each and every one of you.

Testimonials from our Consulting Clients

“Karen, I just wanted to write to you as you were so kind to me when I was looking for help. You were one of the few people that was so sympathetic. I just wanted to thank you for being there for me. You are so appreciated by me.”

Caregiver email, August 2016

“Dear Karen — Thank you for all you do to help those of us who need guidance/help/comfort. When I see the new-comers in the group I feel very grateful/glad they found you — and I found you! You’ve been such a great support and guide.”

Caregiver from one of Karen’s support groups

“Thank you very much for following up with us. Since your visit – neither of the 2 Residents you assisted us with have wanted to leave the building. You have provided us with some great information and tools for the staff to use when re-directing these Residents. The Solutions Reports were very helpful for the staff, the Doctor and the families to have.”

Kathy – From a Care Home in West Vancouver

“Karen, you really are such a wonderful, supportive spirit and I really do appreciate everything you’ve done for me so far. I’ll definitely keep you posted and quite honestly I feel so much better knowing you are there.”

K. W.

“Excellent skill in interacting with my mum and modeling for my sister and I how to interact with our mum.  Good strategies – helped a lot.”

Mike R.

“Thanks Karen for your kind words.  Yes, this is all a HUGE learning experience.  As always, thanks for listening and being supportive!”

P. H.

“Hi Karen, I just wanted to tell you that your new website is wonderful! It’s obvious you put a lot of work and thought into it (as you do with everything else). I cried when I read the description of your new logo. So beautiful, profound, and heartfelt. Made me even more grateful to have connected with you.

I think it was divine intervention coupled with an amazing selfless woman whose mission is to help those affected by dementia.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the support you gave to my family.”

Mich, Family Caregiver

“The big constant in my association with Karen at Dementia Solutions is that she consistently gave me hope. We’ve been through a variety and a lot of tough stuff over the past 6 years, but Karen has always given me hope that it (whatever it was) might get better.

Thank you for that!”

Barb W., Family Caregiver

“Need an effective crash course on meeting the needs of a loved one with dementia?  Ask Karen Tyrell.

Dementia robs even high-functioning professionals of their independence, making it difficult for them to preserve their dignity. When a friend called me for help, I needed some immediate information on how to secure the right services with the right degree of compassion, while keeping the person’s privacy intact and respecting the family’s boundaries. I asked Karen Tyrell.

Karen provided the framework I sought because she both listened and heard. She then formulated practical solutions that I could immediately implement on the friend’s behalf.

We cannot safely assist people with dementia issues by letting the disease define them.  We need the input of someone who combines dedication with professional expertise.  For this, don’t hesitate to ask Karen Tyrell.

Read Karen’s book: Dementia Solutions. With dementia on the rise, most of us will need its content for loved ones sooner or later. For an eye-opener, consult Karen Tyrell—sooner rather than later. You’ll be glad you did.”

Jacquelyn Johnston, M.Ed. RCRT

Testimonial from past speaking engagements

Karen Tyrell joined as a Facilitator of the Coquitlam Caregivers at Dogwood Pavilion in 2010. Since then, many wives and husbands in our groups have benefited from learning about dementia, strokes, Parkinson’s, and stress. Karen’s guidance, knowledge, and warm, welcoming personality has helped to relieve our stress and makes caregiving easier to manage for family caregivers at home.

Clark Brodie

I am fortunate that at this time, I am not close to anybody dealing with Alzheimer‘s. I learned a lot and heard you reinforce many things that I already do for a ‘healthy brain’ out of sheer enjoyment.  And, I learned a new word ‘hippocampus’!

Again, thank you for an interesting evening,

Lillian M.

“Dear Karen, My father’s care companion and I attended your talk at Inglewood last evening. Thank you! The information you shared was of great value and your enthusiasm was a breath of fresh air.”

Paula B.

“Twinkly eyes, happy smile;
Vibrant manner; vital style:
I thank you sincerely for this day
For the content and for the way
In which you shared with us your goal
To help others become more whole.”

David A. Bain Kiwanis Club of Capilano (Poem sent to Karen after talk on “How to Maintain a Healthy Brain” July 2014)

“Karen, the presentation on brain health you made to our CARP chapter members in December was superb. Our overflow crowd thoroughly enjoyed it and went away knowing much more about brain health than they did before the meeting. Your knowledge, particularly on a practical level, is outstanding.

I spent 26 years in Toastmasters, competing in and observing many speech contests, including a World Speech Contest. I know all the effective techniques for a great speech . . . you have mastered all of them. Your’s was one of the best speeches I have seen in many years. I would gladly recommend your presentation to any group looking for a motivating speaker.”

Bruce Bird, Chair North Fraser Chapter CARP (A New Vision of Aging for Canada)

“Thank you so much for coming tonight even though you had had a busy week of training, etc. We all thoroughly enjoyed your presentation, as I knew we would. I got nothing but positive response from attendees.

On a personal note, I would like to thank you for the activities that you provided for us this evening.  I was feeling more than a little stressed about things in my life this week as a member of this church community and I was quite unsure about how I was going to address them. By making us stamp our feet and breathe deeply, I think I was helped to reach a position of calmness that will allow me to take on more than I probably should without undue stress.

Thank you again! You are a very effective presenter!”

Sammy N.

“Thank you for coming and speaking to our Langley Lodge Outreach group on Friday, May 4, 2018. Everyone enjoyed your presentation and appreciated the information that you provided for us. Your presentation was so well done; you had our attention throughout with facts and humour!

Again, thank you for such a lovely, worthwhile presentation!”

Wendy Matthews Langley Lodge Peer Outreach

Karen I wanted to say thank you very much for your presentation to our seniors group this afternoon, at St. Nicholas. Everyone seemed quite pleased with your presentation and there was a lot of discussion amongst them, after you left.

I enjoyed speaking with you, and I am glad you are doing this work which is so essential in our communities today. Having a Village re dementia care, is one of the best things to come along in a long time, and I am glad you are a part of what will be built in Langley City.

Mary Cooke

“I just wanted to send you a quick note to thank you so much for taking the time to chat with my Mom & I at the dementia seminar yesterday. So far it has been very confusing and frustrating not knowing who can help & much of an unknown jungle of trying to find information, contacts and inquiries of calls that haven’t transpired into much help for my Mom.

You were such a wealth of knowledge and so kind, you were a big step in getting my Mom to sign up for the wellness program at Minoru Ctr – first time she’s agreed to try anything since my father passed over a year ago.

I can’t thank you enough for reaching out to us yesterday, in just over a day I feel we’ve made more progress than over the past 6 months!”


Testimonials about our Cracking The Dementia Code™ Online Course

“Thank you Karen for this opportunity to continue to learn and grow. I am looking forward to taking more courses through Personalized Dementia Solutions Inc. Wonderful and refreshing course.”

Wendy M. (February 2019)

“It is always a great idea to refresh and update yourself with Dementia education, as it is always evolving. I enjoyed it very much.

Thank you.”

Kim K. (January 2019)

“It was very good to take this training course. Thank you Karen for providing this opportunity for us. I have a passion to learn more in the future if there are more training program.”

Zahra Fatemi (December 2018)

“I completed the CDC online course just right now and passed!  I am Deaf so I was watching the slides and they are fun to read. I love the humour and the great examples, and the great quiz questions too. It is a great course, fun to do and fun to learn, plus easy to follow. A very nice package to learn and it sticks in your head!  I like the mnemonic tips such as Ph.A.C.T.S. and doing some examples and we can practice a bit to get a bit of hands-on. Thank you for the lessons! It is so nicely done and enjoyable!   I like the facts about dementia and Alzheimer’s as well. Lots of new things I did not know about.”

Susan in Vancouver (October 2016)

Testimonials about our Cracking The Dementia Code™ Live Workshop

“After the training about the dementia code, I learned more about dementia and how to deal with dementia. The explanation is Excellent & easy to understand. Thank you!”

S.O.B. (October 26, 2021)

“The workshop was well organized and presented in a very systematic way of tackling dementia behaviours.”

Lui F. (October 26, 2021)

“Karen did a great job of educating a group of adults, perhaps a bit “battle-weary” tired, it was a morning session. And she kept us involved. She allowed herself to be silly, she continued to express the material with energy & clarity. She is doing crucial work and doing it well with spirit.”

Geoff (April 30, 2021)

“I found the presentation extremely informative and we were engaged during the workshop.”

Peter Farrell (April 30, 2021)

“An excellent tool in understanding the between Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. It was very practical and easy to understand. The theory and practice made perfect.”

Lourdes (April 30, 2021)

“Cracking the Dementia Code was excellent! Thank you for your energy & passion and giving us some simple techniques to help us help those with dementia.”

M.R. (February 8, 2020)

“I enjoyed Karen’s enthusiasm. Her approach was fun and easy to understand. I liked all of Karen’s examples of people she’s worked with.”

Mary-Lou Mitchell (February 8, 2020)

“Karen is very engaging and I enjoyed learning all about how to understand the behaviours of our clients.”

N.C. – PSW Student (February 7, 2020)

“Great workshop! We need more people like you! I loved your energy. Your book should be required in PSW course package.”

Kaycee Pauquette (February 7, 2020)

“Very glad I could come and participate today. Karen’s passion is infectious.  I learned so much. Very engaging and valuable training. ~ Shauna Hornak (June 2019)

“I liked hearing about the personal stories and how creative solutions can work.”

Holly B. (May 2019)

“Very professional, very easy to understand. I liked that I know more about dementia and I feel more confident to work with my clients.”

Care Aide (May 2019)

“I most liked the details and especially Therapeutic Reasoning! So glad I took this course. So much energy – you are amazing!”

Joanne G. (April 2019)

“Very informative. There is a way to manage people with dementia and how to handle effectively.”

Raija (November 2018)

“The workshop today enhanced my knowledge about dementia and how to deal with it.”

Care Aide (June 2018)

“I took the ‘Gentle Persuasion Approach’ program [not through Karen] and I feel like I learned so much more through you.”

Student from Capilano University, Rehabilitation Assistant Diploma Program (October 2016)

“Enjoyed your enthusiasm, it is very encouraging. What I liked most was your delivery and passion, great personality.”

Ursula (Feb 2016)

“I liked everything!  It was so informative and re-enforced practical ideas. Thank you!”

Lori Schienke (Feb 2016)

“Hi Karen, I wanted to send you a quick note to thank you for the wonderful education sessions you provided last week here at the Waverly. I have had nothing but positive feedback and I have seen some actual behavioural changes from the staff. Thank you so much for making the trip out here and giving the gift of your energy, passion and experience. Your thoughts and ideas have inspired so much conversation, dialogue and energy here. All the best to you in future work.”

Kim Ezergailis, Director of Care, Waverly Seniors Village Retirement Home, Chilliwack, B.C. (Nov 2015)

“I love your enthusiasm, passion, availability and open compassionate Heart!  I would love to see all managers in B.C. Interior Health take your sessions!”

Darlene (May 2015)

“Great overview of what we are dealing with with my mom.  We realize that we are not in this alone – there is lots of information and research.  What I enjoyed most about this workshop is that it was informative, fun, interactive and there is a practical plan.”

Jim Clark (May 2015)

“Excellent presentation, visually, verbally, humorous and sincere!!”

Fran (May 2015)

“Very good refresher and information.  What I liked most about this workshop: The very knowledgeable & enthusiastic presenter :)”

A.P. (May 2015)

“So many new things to try and pass on to others. I liked the”Ph.A.C.T.S.”.  I plan on using this on a daily basis. The presentation was perfect!!  A+”

Tammy (volunteer) (May 2015)

“Very informative! I liked the tips given to find creative solutions.”

Gislane C. (May 2015)

“A variety of information, mixed with story telling – always a great way to learn.  Great flow, great examples – at a level where everyone can understand.”

Dana Levere (May 2015)

“Very good info & repetition works – easy to take away.  I like most about this workshop:  interactive; validated my knowledge which my increases confidence.  I am very interested in attending the “Advanced” workshop.”

Hazel M.(May 2015)

“I can definitely use this information for my new volunteer orientation, especially the “Ph.A.C.T.S.” for communication.  It was very entertaining.”

Donna L.

“It was excellent. I love how passionate you are about what you’re teaching! I liked how creative you are.”

Jessica Ouellet

“Karen, I really enjoyed your presentation: you have an entertaining style and communicated the workshop content very effectively.  It takes considerable skill to keep the momentum going for two hours & I gained some valuable insights and new strategies to help me in my real estate business and in my personal life.”

Lisa Richardson

“Thanks Karen for presenting this workshop (Cracking the Dementia Code). Interesting info. I am going to practice every day with my clients.”

G.G (June 24th, 2014)

Letter received from the New Chelsea Society:  Testimonial from Chelsea Park (Click to view PDF) 

New Chelsea Society, (March 2014)

“You did a very good job, it helped me a lot.”


“What I liked most about this workshop is the focus on accepting behaviours & change our response not trying to change the resident.”

Anonymous (March 4th, 2013)

“I went to Karen’s “Cracking the Dementia Code” workshop a couple of months ago, and I thought it was amazing.”


“Very informative as to the approach”


“I learned a lot today which was very interesting and very helpful in dealing with Dementia.  These will help me a lot and will make my job easy.  Also, make the residents feel happy.”


“Very informative.  Re-enforcing initial training.”

Florence F.

“Karen, I just wanted to say thank you for the wonderful seminar today (October 2013). You have really opened my eyes to the approaches I should take with my residents. I’m sad to say that many of my coworkers do not approach our residents with the kindness and simple manner that you described to us today. It would be amazing if you could do mandatory seminars for all nursing staff in long-term care facilities because I see more often than not physical and verbal abuse from coworkers. Not only at my work but also at my previous employment where there were 2 floors of dementia residents…

Your workshop has enlightened me to a new approach that I will now and forever always use when caring for my residents (not only those with dementia!). I find your approaches can be applied to any type of residents and I truly feel that I benefited from your course. I rushed out to purchase your Cracking the Dementia Code book and cannot wait to get started on it!

Thank you once again for an amazing seminar, I wish it had been longer than 2 hours! I feel there is still so much that I have not yet learned about caring for seniors.”

Nathalie Sabourin, RN student at Laurentian University/SLC Cornwall

“My husband and I have learned some real practical solutions that should help us care for my mother with Alzheimer’s Disease.  I want to tell you that some of your suggestions have already proved helpful in our situation!!!  Thank you for this. As a physiotherapist who works in homecare mostly with neurological patients, I had the chance to use some of your strategies today with an ABI client – better for the client and for me!!!!!”  

Shannon Mulholland PT

“Well paced/organized/throrough – Karen is a good public speaker. I liked the Phacts acronym and detailed examples.”



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