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Keep It Simple – Uncovering Solutions in Managing Dementia-Related Behaviours


The Simple Solutions Can Be The Most Effective

When a problem arises, our mind at times responds by launching into overdrive—we overthink, overanalyze, and become overwhelmed. Sometimes, however, the simplest solutions can be the most effective. I know this because as a Dementia Consultant, I’ve seen and heard first-hand how, with a bit of quick and creative thinking, as well as some detective work, caregivers can help resolve some challenging situations resulting from dementia-related behaviours.


The Story Between Florence And Myra

One such situation involved a lady (‘Florence’), who was in the early stages of dementia and began refusing support from her home support worker (‘Myra’). Myra has been providing companionship care to Florence for months.

For the most part, Florence got along well with Myra until recently Florence would accuse her of all sorts of things. At first, Myra was confused and at a loss for what to do when she did this. When Myra visited, Florence was reluctant in accepting her help. One day, Myra even found herself waiting at the door of Florence’s home since Florence refused to let her in.


Uncovering The Reason Behind The Behaviour

In trying to uncover the reason for this behaviour, Myra realized that the symptoms of dementia were likely leading Florence to associate her (Myra’s) visits with some sort of negative connotation. Whether it was a past memory resurfacing or confusion due to her cognitive impairment, Myra knew she had to get creative to get past the front door.

Florence ended up calling the company that was providing the care services complaining that she did not want Myra there. Myra actually heard the whole phone conversation outside the door.

The next time she arrived for her shift, she tried out her new tactic, and her hair tied back. When she heard Florence yell, “If that’s you, Myra, go away!”, she responded by saying, “No, my name’s Tyra.” With that simple name change, Florence’s attitude reversed completely. She opened the front door saying, “Okay good you can come in. Sorry, you just look so similar to Myra. I don’t want her coming anymore, but you are most welcome here!”

In the span of a couple of minutes, Myra was invited in and Florence’s initial hostility changed to positivity.


Finding A Simple & Effective Solution To Keep The Peace

Myra’s ability to not take this situation personally along with her knowledge of her client and genuine care resulted in finding a simple and effective solution to keep the peace.

Though the answer in every situation may not always present itself right away, doing some detective work by asking the right questions and thinking outside of the box, as Myra did, will put you on the path towards finding your own simple creative solution. Keep up the great work! We need you!


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