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Karen Tyrell’s Radio Interview on Shift


On January 21st, Karen was asked to do a live phone interview on Global News Radio on 980 CKNW to share her thoughts on the recent report that was released in Ontario regarding 29 homicides in long-term care homes in the past six years. You can read an article about this report here.

Karen’s Professional Observation’s

Violent episodes in care homes across Canada is not uncommon and sadly these incidents can result in physical injuries which can lead to the death of another. In the interview Karen share some of her observations from her years of experiences either working front-line or through her work as a Dementia Consultant. You can listen to the podcast here on the Shift with guest host Niki Reitmayer.

Here are some of the main topics that Karen shared and/or wanted to convey:

  1. Everyone who works in care homes should understand that there is always a reason for the behaviour. It’s important to determine why these behaviours of violence are happening for each individual. So that personalized solutions can help to manage these behaviours and implemented in order to help keep everyone safe. All departments in the care home, volunteers, residents and family members. Should have the basic understanding of dementia and how to best manage dementia-related behaviours.
  2. The staffs ratios need to be re-examined. In Karen’s opinion the current ratio are low. In order to provide safe and quality care…especially during the peak hours in the day. Is when documented reports of behaviours/violence episodes are happening in the care home.
  3. No matter how many staff are employed in a care home. If they do not have proper dementia care training to work as a team. Then the behaviours will not be properly managed.

Feel free to weigh in on your thoughts on this concerning issue by either sending us a reply or you can go to our Facebook page to comment on the post.


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