Brain Awareness Week Sale!!!

$30 OFF! Cracking the Dementia Code ~ Fundamentals Course

Group Consulting & Support

It’s not easy being a family caregiver. Do you feel you could you use a little support? We can help you.

Please contact us for your no-cost 20 minute phone or Zoom consultation.

How Our Group Consulting Works

We offer a no cost monthly online group consulting session for families and their caregivers for loved ones living with dementia. At this session you can expect:

  • Emotional support, reassurance and validation;
  • Awareness to other helpful services;
  • Dementia education on specific topics when and as needed;
  • Common issues are discussed that may result in new ideas to help you cope better;
  • Peer support from other family caregivers

Once you attend our sessions, you will feel supported and realize that you are not alone. In fact, you will meet others going through similar journeys.

Group consulting is also an opportunity for you to take time to breathe, talk freely in a supportive environment, and learn from others.

This free session is hosted on the 2nd Thursday of each month from 7pm – 8:30pm Pacific Time.

You don't have to journey alone...there are solutions and support.

Karen Tyrell, CPCA, CDCP


Caregiver from a support group
“Dear Karen — Thank you for all you do to help those of us who need guidance/help/comfort. When I see the newcomers in the group I feel very grateful/glad they found you — and I found you! You’ve been such a great support and guide.”
Kathy – From a Care Home, West Vancouver
“Thank you very much for following up with us. Since your visit neither of the 2 Residents you assisted us with have wanted to leave the building. You have provided us with some great information and tools for the staff to use when re-directing these Residents.”
Jacquelyn Johnston, M.Ed. RCRT
“Need an effective crash course on meeting the needs of a loved one with dementia? Ask Karen Tyrell. Karen provided the framework I sought because she both listened and heard. Consult Karen Tyrell—sooner rather than later. You’ll be glad you did.”

Our Services

Frontline Caregivers

Become a Certified Dementia Care Provider with the first designation provided in Canada. Educate yourself in the ways of compassionate, personalized dementia care for your clients.

Home Care Companies

Training for staff members in the ways of applying personalized, compassionate care in their daily tasks for their dementia clients, thus enhancing everyone’s overall quality of life.

Care Homes

Educate your staff to understand effective dementia care techniques, enhance their teamwork, and provide superior care for the residents living with symptoms of dementia.

For Families

Understand better what dementia is and the signs of its development, learn how to help loved ones who have symptoms of dementia, and determine the next best course of action to take.

Join our Communities

We have a Facebook Group for frontline caregivers who work with people affected by dementia.

We also have another group for those who are part of the Dementia Solutions Family Caregiver Community.

Dementia Solutions Professionals
Dementia Solutions Community for Families


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