Dementia Solutions Certificate Course Offerings
Discover our creative and compassionate non-drug approaches to dementia care.
Explore our online self-paced certificate programs to enhance your skills and make a difference in dementia care.
Certified Dementia Care Provider
Become a Certified Dementia Care Provider and use the CDCP letters next to your name. Stand out! Show your committment to dementia care.
- Online, self-paced lessons
- Recognized certification
- Live, expert-guided cases
- Immediately usable skills
Cracking the Dementia Code™
Make your job easier by understanding how to recognize & manage dementia-related behaviours. You’ll develop your skills using practical ways.
- Effectively manage dementia-related behaviours
- Solidify your understanding of dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, & delirium
- Learn ways to uncover the meaning behind the behaviour
Ways to Reduce Conflicts in Dementia Care
Introducing our new self-paced online course, “Ways to Reduce Conflicts in Dementia Care,” designed to help frontline staff provide better care for those with dementia.
What You Will Learn:
- Refresher on what is dementia
- 4 steps to reduce conflicts
- Examples of what to say/do
- Communication techniques to reduce conflicts
FREE Mini-Course: 3 Things NOT to Say When Caring for Someone with Dementia
Developed from our decades of experience in dementia care, our FREE Mini-Course is for anyone who’s new to dementia care, thinking about joining the field, or just struggling to care for their residents. You will learn:
- 3 things you should never say while providing care
- What to say instead so you can achieve better results
- Vital communication built around person-centered care
Please email us at [email protected]
or call 1-888-502-1321 if you require assistance.