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Boosting the Brain: The Benefits of Omega-3


Brain Boosting Omega-3

The Value Of Nutrition

From an early age, we learn to value nutrition. We’re instructed to eat our fruits and vegetables. Start each day with breakfast, and consume cavity-causing candy with caution. At the end of it all, we come to an understanding, both intuitive and taught. That what we eat plays a pivotal role in determining health outcomes. Scientific studies continue to confirm this by showing how certain foods enhance bodily functions. And also prevent debilitating illnesses such as Alzheimer’s. One such study was recently conducted by the University of Illinois. Suggests that Omega-3 fatty acids, DHA and EPA, are commonly found in fish. Enhances our brain’s cognitive flexibility and ability to perform “executive functions”. Such as planning, problem-solving, and reasoning.

Reported in The Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience journal. The study focused on older adults (between the ages of 65 and 75) who carry a gene variant (APOE e4) that puts them at risk of late-onset Alzheimer’s. Those with higher levels of Omega-3 fatty acids, DHA and EPA, displayed signs of their brains being more resilient. To the cognitive impairment that accompanies Alzheimer’s. They showed better cognitive flexibility (the ability to effectively switch between tasks) as well as a larger anterior cingulate cortex (the part of our brain that rules over cognitive flexibility). As rates of Alzheimer’s increase and as aging populations grow. In countries such as Canada and the US. Studies such as this, which point to possible preventative measures, have become increasingly important.


Brain Boosting Omega-3

So where can we find these brain-boosting Omega-3 fatty acids? Supplements are one option, but the best way to reap the rewards is by consuming fish that are high in Omega-3. Like tuna, sardines, salmon (preferably wild), anchovies, and mackerel to name a few. Making sure that you get your dose of Omega-3 will help not only to feed your appetite but also your brain!


*As a dementia consultant and educator, I share information and resources pertaining to both preventative measures as well as management strategies for Alzheimer’s. If you are interested in a session with me please contact: 1-778-789-1496*


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