Alzheimer’s Awareness Month Special!!!

75% Off the enrollment fee for our Family Support Membership!

For only $24.25! (Regular rate $97)

Until January 31st, 2025 

Brain Fitness Is An Essential Part Of Reducing The Risk Of Alzheimer’s Disease


Brain Fitness

January is Alzheimer Awareness month, and here at Dementia Solutions we want to keep the disease, and the people it affects top of mind (this includes people who have Alzheimer’s disease, their loving families, caregivers, nurses, doctors, and so many others).


According to the Alzheimer Society of Canada, half a million Canadians have Alzheimer’s disease or related Dementia.  Let’s not look at this as just an unfortunate fact, but a fact we can try to change for the positive.  Did you know that exercising the brain prevents the deterioration of the mind?  Keeping the mind active can help reduce the onset of dementia by boosting brain activity.  Although, keep in mind that scientists have not yet found an exact cause or cure for Alzheimer’s disease (it’s believed that genetics and heredity are the main reasons for getting the disease, and the disease appears more often in old age; although, younger people can have early-onset Alzheimer’s).


Continuously engaging in rich brain exercises, such as solving the daily newspaper puzzle, playing wordplay games and chess, and even engaging in thoughtful conversation with others, keeps the brain active and working.  Also, since heart and blood diseases increase the chance of getting dementia, besides encouraging consistent brain connections, living a healthy lifestyle including regular physical exercise also helps to keep the disease at bay.



We encourage you to read the Alzheimer Society’s Healthy Brain: Reducing Your Risk webpage, and if you need help with your loved one, who has Alzheimer’s, feel free to contact us at [email protected]



Do a fun brain activity with a loved one today!🧠❤️


Karen 🙂


Karen Tyrell, CPCA, CDCP
Dementia Solutions



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